STD Testing Specialist

Collaborative Women's Care
Obstetrics and Gynecology located in Miami, FL
If you know you’re at risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or you have symptoms of one, turn to Collaborative Women’s Care in Miami, Florida. Eduardo Valdes, MD, and their highly trained staff offer STD testing and treatment when needed. Call the office today to schedule STD testing or book an appointment online.
STD Testing Q & A
What are STDs?
STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) are diseases you get by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with an infected partner. Common STDs include:
- Hepatitis (A, B, and C)
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhea
- Syphilis
- Trichomoniasis
- Human papillomavirus (HPV)
- Genital herpes
Viruses, bacteria, and parasites are common causes of STDs. They can pass from person to person through vaginal fluids, semen, and blood. Sometimes STDs pass from a mother to her baby during pregnancy and childbirth.
What is STD testing?
Collaborative Women’s Care offers STD testing to find out if you have an STD and, if so, which one. During a doctor’s visit, your provider discusses your medical history, lifestyle, and possible symptoms. They complete a physical exam to look for visible signs of STDs. STD testing uses urine tests, blood tests, or tissue swabs. These procedures are fast and painless.
What are the common symptoms of STDs?
If you have symptoms after contracting an STD, you could notice:
- Painful or burning urination
- Genital sore or bumps
- Pain with intercourse
- Pelvic pain
- Penis or vaginal discharge
- New or unusual discharge
- Smelly vaginal discharge
- Unusual vaginal bleeding
- Fever
- Rash
- Swollen lymph nodes in your groin
Symptoms can show up within a few days after contracting an STD or up to several years later. However, you might not ever have symptoms.
Complications that can arise with untreated STDs include infertility, cervical cancer, rectal cancer, or other cancers.
Some STDs are curable. Others aren’t and must be managed appropriately for the rest of your life. STD testing and treatment can eliminate an STD or reduce its symptoms and the risk of spreading it to your sexual partner.
What happens after STD testing?
If you test positive for an STD, your provider discusses the available treatments with you. You might take antibiotics or antiviral medications.
Antibiotics can cure certain STDs, while antiviral medicines reduce unpleasant symptoms and the amount of virus present in your body. However, if you have herpes, HIV, or other viral STDs, they remain in your body, and you can still spread the disease to other people. Avoid sexual intercourse during STD treatment, and have your partner get treated too.
How can I reduce my risk of getting an STD?
To lower your risk of getting and spreading STDs, practice safe sexual intercourse. Have sex with just one mutually monogamous partner who has tested negative for STDs and use a condom every time you have sex. The most effective way to keep from getting an STD is to avoid sexual intercourse altogether.
To schedule STD testing with Collaborative Women’s Care, book an appointment today by phone or online.
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