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Infertility happens when a man and woman struggle to get pregnant despite trying every month for a year. Various conditions lead to female infertility, including PCOS, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids. Living with uterine fibroids is especially tough when they lead to painful symptoms – but sometimes the most unbearable symptom...
Pelvic pain is scary, especially when you don't know what's causing it. In many cases, pelvic pain in the middle of a menstrual cycle is due to mittelschmerz, or ovulation pain – but why does that happen? At Collaborative Women's Care in Miami, Florida, Dr. Eduardo Valdes provides obstetrics and...
Having a baby is an exciting time, especially when bonding over breastfeeding. Every woman produces different amounts of milk, but how does preventing another baby affect your milk supply? Choosing a birth control option that's effective in preventing pregnancy and is also safe for your baby and your milk seems...
After having your first child, getting pregnant with another baby should be easy, right? For many women, that's the case, but for others, secondary infertility makes getting pregnant a struggle. It can be a very lonely experience as you watch all of your friends have another child easily. Secondary infertility...
We've all heard about pregnant women wanting certain things throughout their pregnancy; some want sweets, others wish for greasy comfort food, and others crave spicy or salty foods. But when are cravings a problem for you and your baby? Most pregnancy cravings are harmless and may be related to your...
Finding out you're pregnant is very exciting. Still, once the excitement dies down, it's essential to start planning for your and your baby's health. Prenatal appointments are a necessary aspect of pregnancy to ensure you and your baby are healthy from conception to birth. Many people need to follow a...
An ultrasound during pregnancy is standard today, although it's hard to predict how many you'll have. Every person is different, and you may need more diagnostic ultrasounds based on your age, your baby's health, and other issues that pop up during your pregnancy. Most ultrasounds are 2D, meaning they show...
Birth control is an excellent option for women who aren't ready to have kids, those who don't want kids, and women who are done having kids. There are so many options, which makes the decision difficult. At Collaborative Women's Care in Miami, Florida, Dr. Eduardo Valdes and his team provide...
Many conditions affect the female reproductive system; a primary one is polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. Women with PCOS have various symptoms, including irregular periods, excessive hair growth, and weight gain – but that's not all. Infertility is another common symptom of PCOS, making it difficult or impossible to achieve...
Just about every woman has experienced some form of pelvic pain during her life, whether acute or chronic. Acute pelvic pain is problematic, but you shouldn't ignore chronic discomfort either. Understanding your body and the causes of chronic pelvic pain allows you to figure out how to treat the issue....
You thought you were careful, or you thought your partner was honest about their sexual history – but you ended up with an STI. Although scary, STIs are relatively common and aren't the end of the world. If you have an STI, the first step is prompt treatment to avoid...
Hormones are something most of us don't think about after puberty – but they play an essential role in our overall health. More than 50 hormones exist in the body, running everyday functions and keeping you healthy. Menopause is one of the life events that cause a drastic change in...
Fibroids are noncancerous tumors that form in the uterus from muscle in the organ. Many women have them, and they don't always cause a problem – unless you're trying to get pregnant or are already pregnant. Pregnancy is an essential aspect of many women's lives – but various aspects of...
If you've ever had a kidney stone, you know how painful it can be, especially if you've had it more than once. Having a kidney stone once is unfortunate enough, but what can you do if they keep coming back? Recurring kidney stones happen for various reasons, including genetics and...
Menopause can be a daunting period in a woman's life, especially if it spans for years. Typically, you don't need to worry about menopause until your early 50s. Still, some women may experience it earlier on in life. Knowing the signs of menopause can prepare you for when they strike....
The ovaries are tiny organs on either side of the uterus that contain a woman's egg cells. They are also essential in making the sex hormones progesterone and estrogen. Sometimes, fluid-filled cysts form on the ovaries, and most women don't even know they have one. However, if the cyst bursts,...
Ovulation is crucial to getting pregnant, but many don't know much about it. A woman's body must release an egg for a man's sperm to fertilize, known as ovulation. Various factors affect ovulation, including conditions like PCOS and other hormonal disorders. If you're not ovulating, you won't be able to...
Urinary tract infections are a common problem, especially among women. They happen when bacteria enter the urethra and cause an infection in any part of the urinary tract, including the bladder and kidneys. Some women are more prone to a urinary tract infection than others, depending on various factors, including...
Women go through many hormonal changes throughout their life, the most profound being the transition into menopause. Perimenopause is when a woman's body begins to undergo changes where a natural conception is no longer an option. Women often dread perimenopause, as it usually comes with complex symptoms and sometimes years...
Endometriosis is a serious medical disorder that causes tissue like the uterus lining to grow in other body areas. The tissues growing often lead to painful and uncomfortable symptoms. Women have endometriosis for various reasons, and getting to the root cause of the problem is the key to treatment. At...
In the heat of the moment, you're likely not thinking about an STD during sex. However, they can lead to long-term complications if you're not careful. Many forms of STDs affect your physical and emotional health and your fertility in some cases. Understanding STDs and how to recognize the symptoms...
An essential part of staying healthy as a woman is having regular well-woman exams for preventive maintenance and care. A well-woman exam is the best way to keep up with your reproductive health and find problems early on for fast and successful treatment. Dr. Eduardo Valdes and the Collaborative Women's Care team offer multiple treatments...
Vaginal bleeding outside your normal menstrual cycle is frightening, especially if you have pain and other symptoms. If you've recently had abnormal vaginal bleeding, it could be due to endometriosis. Dr. Eduardo Valdes and the Collaborative Women's Care team in Miami, Florida, offer fast and efficient diagnosis and care when...
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health, one in ten women suffers from PCOS during childbearing. PCOS causes abnormalities during your menstrual cycle, making it difficult to get pregnant. At Collaborative Women's Care, Dr. Eduardo Valdes is an expert in obstetrics and gynecology....
Getting pregnant and having a baby are huge steps in your life; if you're not ready, you have plenty of options to prevent pregnancy. Birth control is a great way to avoid pregnancy while still being able to have fun with your partner. At Collaborative Women's Care in Miami, Florida,...
Have you ever felt a twinge of pain in your pelvis? If the pain sticks around and causes discomfort with urinating, intercourse, or changes your menstrual cycle, you could be dealing with an ovarian cyst. While most ovarian cysts are harmless, some do require expert medical attention. The team at...
Every month you prepare for your menstrual cycle to start — but what happens when it doesn't show up as expected? Unfortunately, abnormal periods aren't uncommon, but they can signify a bigger problem in your body. If you're dealing with abnormal menstrual cycles, the experienced team at Collaborative Women's Healthcare in Miami, Florida, helps...
You spread sexually transmitted diseases between sexual partners during unprotected intercourse. Herpes is one of these conditions that, unfortunately, has no cure. However, suppose you find yourself with a form of the herpes virus. In that case, it's manageable with the proper treatment from Collaborative Women's Care. Dr. Eduardo Valdes runs Collaborative Women's Care in...
Advanced maternal age is an issue when you're trying to get pregnant in your late 30s or 40s. After 35, your chances of getting pregnant drop significantly. However, many people continue to conceive later in life, so it's entirely possible. If you're over 35, you can take some extra steps...
The thought of pushing an eight pound baby out of a tiny opening may make you feel woozy. However, vaginal births are natural and have been performed since the beginning of time. If you’re pregnant, there’s some things you should know before you enter the hospital for your baby’s arrival. A vaginal...
As a woman, you know that menopause is inevitable at some point in your life. Thinking about the hot flashes and mood swings isn’t a real thrill, but knowing what to expect can make your journey easier. At Collaborative Women’s Care, our team is here to help you through every...
When you have polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, your menstrual cycle is usually very irregular. There are other symptoms as well, including weight gain and excess facial hair on your face and body. Managing the symptoms of PCOS may seem impossible, but with help, treatment is often successful. At Collaborative Women’s Care, Dr....
Being pregnant poses many exciting new changes to your body. Not only do you have a growing bump, but you're on your way to growing your family. The farther your pregnancy progresses, the more your body changes. These changes are especially prominent during summer, especially in the heat. At Collaborative Women’s Care, Dr. Eduardo...
When you have pelvic pain, it’s concerning for a number of reasons. This is especially true when the pain seems to linger and pop up at unexpected times. Chronic pelvic pain can be due to a number of causes, and it’s important to figure out the culprit to prevent further issues....
If you’re like most women, you’re likely dreading the onset of menopause. Not only does it cause uncomfortable symptoms, it can last for several years before it finally ends. But don’t lose hope just yet — hormone replacement therapy is a treatment that reduces your symptoms so you can feel...
Endometriosis is a condition that often causes endometrial tissue to grow in areas outside of your uterus. This often leads to abnormal bleeding and pain during your menstrual cycle. Endometriosis can also make it difficult to become pregnant. There are ways, though, to still conceive when you have endometriosis. At Collaborative...
Pregnancy is a joyous time of life, but it comes with its own challenges. Staying healthy and fit as your body changes and your baby grows is just one of them. At Collaborative Women’s Care in Miami, Florida, our entire team is dedicated to helping you navigate pregnancy happily and...